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History of the School

John W. Runyon Elementary School
Did you know....?

John W. Runyon was publisher of the Dallas Times   The newspaper executive and civic leader also was chairman of the board of the Times Herald Printing Co. He had been ill only a few weeks. Death came at 4:10 a.m. in Baylor Hospital. Runyon rose from clerk to publisher over 55 years with the afternoon newspaper. He completed a long term as a director of The Associated Press recently. Born at Cedar Rapids, Iowa, he came to Dallas in 1906. His long association with the Times Herald began in 1911. His first job with the newspaper was as display advertising collector and a year later he was made one of its two advertising solicitors. He was named advertising manager in 1918 and held that post 23 years before advancing to vice president after the death of the Times Herald's founder and publisher, Edwin J. Kiest. Runyon became president of the Times Herald in 1952. He was named chairman of the board and publisher in 1960.

John W. Runyon Elementary School was built in 1968 and was named for Mr. John Wesley [sic] Runyon. John W. Runyon worked for  the Dallas Times Herald.

He started as a clerk and bill collector. He rose to advertising manager, editor, president of KRLD, president of the Times Herald and chairman of the board. He was also one of the chief officers of the Scottish Rite Hospital for Crippled Children.

He was also elected to serve on the board of directors of The Associated Press.